Sunday, 29 May 2011

M.A.C Half Lash Curler - do they work?

M.A.C Half Lash Curler

I got my hands on the new M.A.C half lash curlers last week and wanted to report back on what I think of them.  I always assess things from two points of view : one, from a make-up artist perspective and two, for my own usage.  I was with someone in the store and tested them out as I would use them on a shoot or with a bride and I thought they were great.  I have sometimes struggled with using lash curlers on people with deep set eyes and very large eyes, but with the half curlers you can curl sections at a time which is particularly good for large eyes.  I adore them for doing just the outer corner lashes too. 

M.A.C Full Size Lash Curlers v M.A.C Half Lash Curler

This morning I used them on myself.  I am sure you all know that you need to use eyelash curlers without mascara so forgive my very plain un-made face on the pictures that follow.  I have cropped the images so that I don't look too frightening for you!

 My un-curled eyelashes

Outer Lash Curling

Inner Lash Curling

The End Result - Curly or what?!

I must admit my favourite eyelash curlers are the Shu Uemura ones which really curl and not kink the lashes.  These half curlers do kink slightly, but they made me look SO awake it is hard to fault them.  As I write this 7 hours later my lashes are still great -they have softened slightly with the weight of the mascara, which is a good thing. 

This last pic was taken after the curling test, I added mascara to the bottom lashes so you can see the full effect.

My M.A.C'd lashes! (still with no make-up on - bit of gloss that's all)

In answer to the question in my title - YES! THEY DO WORK.

The half lash curlers are available in M.A.C stores throughout the UK and online. 
Price: £11.50

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Be Bride Ready

I've been doing a lot of trials for brides recently and throughout our two hour sessions I pass on hints, tips and tricks to brides without really knowing the value of them to other people.  I think the reason for this is that they are second nature to me and things I have learnt for myself over my make-up career.  It wasn't until a client remarked on a mascara tip I fleetingly mentioned whilst preening her eyelashes that I really understood the things I know about make-up and application are things every woman should know!

I want to take you through a few of these tips and try and share with you some of the products, tips and procedures that really work.  Even if you are not a bride, these recommendations are invaluable and things that we all should be doing every day.  I am opening up my industry secrets to you, so get your pens and paper at the ready......

Tip One:

This one isn't product related but it is something I tell all my brides.  Drink boiled water with 2 slices of fresh lemon every morning.  Ideally do this at least one month before your big day to give your skin a chance to become utterly hydrated and gorgeously plump.  The best base for make-up is smooth hydrated skin and although you can give your skin a helping hand from the outside, this has to come from within.

Tip Two:

Look after your eyebrows.  Again, not a product related tip but one that will make you look natural and pretty.  Plucking your eyebrows to death is a thing of the past so my advice to brides is to try and grow your brows at least 3 months before your big day.  We all know that the growing out stage will be a bit ugly and even wild at times, but my goodness is it worth it.  Stop with the home tweezers (unless you have some really low or high stray hairs) and pay for them to be shaped and tinted about 2 weeks before your big day.

Tip Three:

Buy a moisturiser that works! I currently love Oilatum Natural Repair cream.  It sounds like an eczema formulation, but it really isn't.  We think of Oilatum as a harsh thick greasy cream for scaly patches, but this cream is a miraculous nourishing formula that does what it says on the tin - it naturally conditions and moisturises and it will not irritate your skin. It's cheap and it is the best high street moisturiser you can buy.

Tip Four:

Moisturise your body thoroughly on the run up to the wedding.  The last thing you want is dry patches on your elbows and dry looking skin on your wedding day.  Palmer's Cocoa Butter is fab for this but if you don't like the chocolatey smell then opt for your normal body lotion and lather it on morning, noon and night.

Tip Five:

Go and get Shellac fingers and toes.  CND Shellac lasts for 2 weeks which means that you will look neatly groomed well into your honeymoon - Read my blog post on Shellac here

Tip Six:

Don't wear make-up on the run up to your wedding. Let your skin breathe and with the help of a home face steam 4 days before you get married (blog post on doing a face steam coming soon) - your skin will look radiant, glowing and youthful.

Follow my tips and BE BRIDE READY!!

Twitter @lucybakermakeup